Our rights do not originate with government, but they are to be "secured" by government.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Paradigm Shift

Is every election "the most important election ever"? I've heard this a lot; in 1976 when we kicked out the Republican crooks after Watergate; in 1980 when Regan was elected because of 20% mortgage rates; in 94 when the Democrats were booted out of congress; Sorry every election can't be "the most important ever". I’m sorry but the 1960/62 election cycles brought in a bunch of people that were able to pass the 1964 Civil rights act, seems to me to be a lot more important than today’s. That election cycle resulted in fruition of the American dream, and put the law behind the Declaration of Independence statement that “All men are created equal.” This has to be the high water mark of the Republican Party (if you didn’t know it was the Democrats that were against the Civil Rights Act).

This year incumbents are running scared. The mandate the Democrats thought they had, was actually the people booting out the big-government big-business controlling Bush administration. As VoxDay put it "the big-government faction of the Republican Party has expertly toyed with the small-government portion of the party and successfully managed conservative dissatisfaction with the status quo. . . the prospect of a Democratic bogeyman is raised to scare the limited government legions into supporting the lesser of two evils."

Because most people are too busy trying to pay bills, get junior off to school, and keep their job, the details of politics are ignored. For Decades now the Republicrats keep offering two sides of the same coin, only allowing us the choice between a big-government socialists, and big-business socialists. The Republicrats have enough power to keep the press in their pocket, even Fox. The Republicrats are doing everything they can to make everyone dependent upon either Big-Government or Big-Business to support them.

Take the newly proposed S.510, the Food Safety and Modernization Act of 2010 was drafted by Monsanto and other agribusiness giants. S.510 requires federal definition of "food," federal certification of "food" before it can be sold (even from a farmers' market), federal licensing of food growers (formerly known as farmers), processors and sellers – all in the name of "food safety," of course, and funded by a new food tax. This will kill small farmers, and family farms. Agribusiness wants to use federal law to bolster public confidence in their products, and, oh yes, make entry of new competitors in their business all the more expensive. This is a perfect example of the Democrat Big-Government agenda working with Republican Big-Business agenda.

According to the Obama Justice Department "There is no 'deeply rooted' historic tradition of unfettered access to foods of all kinds. … Plaintiffs assertions to a 'fundamental' right to their own bodily and physical health, which includes what foods they do and do not choose to consume for themselves and their families is similarly unavailing because plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish."

The audacity of the Obama administration is appalling. Please re-read that last quote that was expressed in a recent brief filed by the Obama Justice Department in opposition to a lawsuit brought by the Farm-To-Consumer Legal Defense Fund challenging the federal ban on the interstate sale of raw milk, "There is no 'deeply rooted' historic tradition of unfettered access to foods of all kinds. … Plaintiffs assertions to a 'fundamental' right to their own bodily and physical health, which includes what foods they do and do not choose to consume for themselves and their families is similarly unavailing because plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish." Amendment 9 of the US Constitution says “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” The position of the Obama administration is that you only have the right to obtain the food of which they approve. There is no reasoned rational that could explain the clearly unconstitutional position of the government.

The people of this country, are now tired of the game, they aren't playing by the "rules" that the power elite have enacted. This is causing quite a stir among currently elected officials. It seems that they don't like the situation. Hopefully this anti-incumbent and anti-establishment sentiment will hold through to November and we will quit electing career politicians.

Look for attacks on the internet, and any media that the Republicrat ruling elite do not control. They cannot stand to scrutiny of their ideas and words are exposed. When rational voters hear that it is the government’s official position that you "do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food you wish;" no rational voter will elect a Republicrat. Educate yourself; we do have a choice that is more than the lesser of the two evils that the Republicrats offer us. Vote 3rd party, preferably Libertarian. If you’re an incumbent, retire, it will save you a lot of headaches.

There is a paradigm shift in this country happening, it’s not Republican/Democrat or Left/Right, or Conservative/Liberal. The people are realizing that there is now a war between those who love liberty and all it entails and statists who want to control everything. The statist is and has used welfare to purchase votes from those who would rather mooch off the work of others than contribute to society. We may be at that shift, where like in all historic democracies, once the moochers discover that they can vote for themselves the product of other peoples labor without any cost to themselves, the producers and workers who contribute most to society are taxed to death, and the society crumbles. Hopefully the voters see this and the anti-incumbency, anti-insider attitude will hold through November, and we can elect people will make principled stands for liberty and justice and not just career politicians.


  1. If the voters do not truly wake up sieze back their liberties - and soon - the next stop may well be Soilent Green.

  2. I think it's too late. Anyone voted in at this point is a slave to the system that has grown so big, it can't comprehend itself.
