Our rights do not originate with government, but they are to be "secured" by government.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Government Help

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' ~ Ronald Regan

LBG started a program in the 60's called the "Great Society". It was supposed to help the poor. Its cost trillions more than estimated.

In an OPED piece today, Cal Thomas asked: "Did we have fewer poor people before government stepped in to "cure" poverty? Do we have fewer now?"

The government acting with good intentions in trying to help the poor but the results can be clearly seen in Walter Williams documentary Good Intentions (click to watch) based on his book State Against Blacks (1982). Literacy, wages, and hope are all much worse for our poor than before government help.

The current attempt in Washington is to force health care reform down the throats of Americans, even when all the polls show that the majority of us don't want it. I believe most in Washington are doing this because of "good intentions". My question is why are they not even trying to talk about getting people out of poverty so that they can afford health care? Could it be because the government’s actions to reduce poverty can clearly be proven to have increased poverty?

The government's actions to promote home ownership resulted in Fanny and Freddie bringing the entire banking industry to its knees.

"No Child Left Behind", a program to assure that all children get a good education, as resulted in the same or worse performance for poor students, and the degradation of education for advanced students. This program is better translated as "No Child Get's Ahead". Unable to bring lower level children up to advanced children, it has resulted in bringing advanced and average level children down.

Government was established to protect the rights of individuals, so that based on their own natural abilities are not suppressed by others in their pursuit of happiness. It was not established to make sure everybody had the same riches, education. It was not established to take care of every individual, but to promote the general welfare, so that all individuals could succeed or fail on their own. Instead we have a government that is in bed with big-money big-corporations doing its best to make sure that nobody has more than the poorest of us. It punishes those who excel with higher taxes, and special protections for big business. It's create a system of "Corporatism" not free enterprise, and no longer cares about or protects the rights of individuals.

The unintended consequences of the good intentions of our government has resulted in more poor, more people dependent upon the government, more difficulty in starting your own business, more difficulty in getting ahead, a virtual nanny state. History has repeatedly demonstrated that the more government provides, the less freedom and liberty we have. The unintended consequences of the government taking over health care will not be better health care for all, but less health care for most, and minimal health care for those who have none.

You know the old joke’s punch line “I’m from the Government and I’m here to Help You”. All the jokes that use that as a punch line are funny because of the truth in the fact that when the government helps things always get worse. Ask yourself why our leaders in congress are exempting themselves from the healthcare plan they have designed and required for the rest of us? If they don't believe it's in their own best interest, why do you think it's in your best interest?

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