Our rights do not originate with government, but they are to be "secured" by government.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Brain Farts

This is a bunch of random musings from reading the news today that has come to mind.

Obama is the "Leader" of the USA, he promised transparency in government. Why doesn't he ask the legislature to allow the people to see the healthcare bill before it's voted on?

Obama in earlier times publicly and privately associated himself with people who have professed to hate the USA; Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Father Pfleger, etc. Obama's biggest international fans are Chavez, Castro, Qaddafi, and Putin (well they all publicly praise him). These same international Obama fans can arguably be the biggest enemies of freedom and democracy in the world. Obama's wife actually said she was ashamed of the USA (until her hubby was nominated for Pres.). Pres. Obama himself said that the "Constitution was a problem" in implementing big changes. Obama himself says he doesn't want to hear from those who oppose his views. Why when anybody adds up all the facts and says Obama is against the individual liberty, individual rights, the US Constitution, and the American Dream, they are called alarmist, racist, dumb, etc. ? Are liberals afraid of the truth? Why not say they are for Big-Government Corporatism, and reduced rights for individuals?

Oliver Wendell Holmes said, ""Think things, not words." In words, many see a need for "social justice" to override "the dictates of the market." In reality, what is called "the market" consists of human beings making their own choices at their own cost. What is called "social justice" is government imposition of the notions of third parties, who pay no price for being wrong."

What happened to open debate on health care on CSPAN like Obama promised?

The Nanny State is here. In Philly, principal's not parents are now responsible for making sure kids get breakfast. LINK This is the problem with our society, nobody is held responsible for their choices they make in their own lives, parents aren't responsible for their kids, the government is now responsible to take care of us. Just like when you are a kid, your parents are responsible for you can tell you what to do, you have no say, as a society if we are no longer responsible for ourselves then the whoever is responsible can and will tell us what to do, regardless of what we want. Think Mayor Bloomberg, who has made it illegal to cook with lard, smoke in the park, and is spending $24million to add more cameras to monitor everybody in midtown.

I loved this one liner from Thomas Sowell - "The older I get, the more I learn to tolerate human shortcomings-- and the less I tolerate bad attitudes."

Questions neither republicans nor Democrats will answer.
  • What party actually stands for Liberty?
  • What party believes in individualism, self-determination, and autonomy?
  • Why should corporations get tax breaks that individuals are not allowed?

    One of the major points form a new book on leadership, Master Leaders, by George Barna is that candor and transparency are characteristics of successful organizations and companies. Obama talked about and promised transparency during his campaign, but his actions are anything but candid and transparent. The obvious failure of his stimulus, failure of auto and bank bailouts, and failure to keep the jobless rate from going over 8.8% are evident. Although charismatic he is demonstrably not a leader.

    What is Obama's vision for America and why hasn't he clearly articulated it?
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