Our rights do not originate with government, but they are to be "secured" by government.

Friday, July 10, 2020

It's About Power, not Truth, Science is Dead.

By Tom Rhodes, 7/10/2020

You'll note the left keeps talking about power, and empowering, etc. They never talk about, nor promote liberty and freedom. They are openly attacking freedom of speech, they want the left to be able to censor those who dare speak something the left doesn't approve, and completely cancel any who dare speak against the left.

The hate free speech, as they realize the if they have the power to control speech, they have power over the masses. They don't want liberty, equality, and freedom for everybody equally, they simply want power.

They have finally succeeded in ending valid scientific research. Getting scientists whose findings don't support their narative fired. So scientists now know that if they do research, it doesn't matter what the actual data says, or with the objective truth exposes, their results must support the mob or the scientist will be canceled.

After the Wall Street Journal that cited the study the mob attacked at UM were “complications” on campus and outraged wokesters demanded that the profs be flogged, or something else terrible.

Professor Hsu told the WSJ: “The MSU professor who conducted that work, psychologist Joe Cesario, tells me that ‘we had no idea what the data was going to be, what the outcome was going to be, before we did this study.’ Mr. Cesario has collected evidence from a simulator and from real-world interactions between police and citizens. He concluded that ‘the nature of the interaction really matters the most, and officers were not more likely to be ready to shoot upon encountering a black versus white citizen.’ Pofessor Hsu has been Canceled.

Michigan State University leaders have successfully pressured Stephen Hsu to resign from his position as vice president of research and innovation after the Graduate Employees Union launched a campaign to oust him from his role.

Once the professor was forced out, the other scientists who worked on the paper are trying to get the paper withdrawn to save their carriers.

The left wants a war against objective truth, and freedom of speech, because both get in the way of them being in power.

Remember all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to say and do nothing. This shows that just doing your job and telling the truth will get you attacked by the mob.

If you tolerate SJW's at work, and don't speak up, and keep your head down, just hope and pray, you don't have to tell the truth that the mob doesn't like, or worse yet, you were merely on a "team" that produced results the mob didn't want, or didn't want others to know about. You too will be canceled.

1 comment:

  1. Free speech has it's limits:

    It is possible that campaigning to convince citizens that they should ignore the recommendations of public health officials rises to the same level of harm.
    Congratulations on the success of your campaign!
