by Tom Rhodes, 5/30/18
A primary driver of the American Revolution was, taxation without representation. Basically the idea that government can tax people and the people have no say in choosing those who create the taxes was not acceptable. Today we have that very problem and if not addressed it will lead to another revolution.
Do you believe that if your parents rack up $50,000 in credit card bills that you, now an emancipated adult living on your own, should have to repay your parents debt? After they die should the credit card company be allowed to force you to repay the dept your parents ran up even while you were long gone from your childhood home?
Even though you had no say in the debt, received little or no benefit from the debt, had no control over how big the debt got, should you have to repay that debt your parents incurred?
You having to repay the debt of your parents is essentially taxation without representation. You had no say in the borrowing but must repay the debt. Today's millennial's are having to repay baby boomer debt, that occurred long before they could vote. They are taxes massively for spending that they had no say. They didn't vote for the congressmen who borrowed and spent like drunken sailors, but do have to pay the tab.
It is immoral and unfair to burden our children with the debt we incurred. We should tax the old proportionate to the debt that was built up while they were old enough to vote. Baby boomers choose to spend money they didn't have, and now expect their grandchildren to pay it back. That is immoral and wrong.
Why should a man take a hard dangerous job to have a third of his pay go to paying off the debt his grandparents borrowed? Why not live at home in his parents or grandparents basement mooching of them, rather than work to repay their debt?
Those who kept electing politicians who, year after year, keep piling up the national debt, now in the untold trillions of dollars, not those too young to vote are responsible for that debt. Let those who borrowed the money have the burden of repaying the debt. Republicans and Democrats have done it and millennial's -- conservative or liberal -- have had nothing to do with it.
It's the parents and grand parents who have been piling debt upon the young, electing politicians who've spent and spent, refusing to cut, spending their children's birthright to get re-elected again and again, until the debt becomes so monstrous that it will crush the young, liberal or conservative, and grind them into dust.
Why should they work hard, and produce excess wealth, to repay the debt of Baby boomers?
If they become "woke" to the fact that they are paying for the excess of previous generations, what if they say, "No!, pay your own debts." and refuse to work, or refuse to pay taxes.
SocSec and Medicare for the elderly must be cut, they voted for all the spending, they should suffer the privation necessary to repay the debt they incurred. To do anything else is taxation without representation and can lead to revolution, and is immoral. The son isn't responsible for the sins of the father.
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