Our rights do not originate with government, but they are to be "secured" by government.

Monday, July 10, 2017

How to Send the Left into Vituperative Sissy Fits

by Tom Rhodes, 7/10/2017

How to get push a statist into a tizzy is to be rational not emotional, even libertarian statists will exhibit vituperation, if you utter an obvious, objective, measurable truth, that supports the way things are, not the way they feel things should be, like uttering a historically observable fact like - The West is superior to the rest of the world in every significant way, and Western civilization is the height of human achievement and worth fighting and dying for. If the response to such a statement is angst and anger you are clearly communicating with a totalitarian control freak who wants the government to be their mommy and to take care of them when they screw up, they fear a life where they will be allowed to actually suffer the consequences of the choices they make, or their some utopian thinking bohemian who believes that without government we would all just "get along."

As an experiment, read the vituperative sissy fits that will be replied if you post the below truth/heresy to your favorite social media:

Not only is Western civilization the best and most advanced culture in the history of humanity, but the USA is its greatest manifestation.

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