Our rights do not originate with government, but they are to be "secured" by government.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Magic Dirt of America Will Not Protect Liberty

by Tom Rhodes 6/7/2017

Ahmad Musa Jubril of Dearborn, Michigan, has been called a ‘preacher of hate’ who inspired one of the three jihadists in London’s June 3, 2017, car and knife attacks that killed seven people. Jubril was born in the Good Ol' USA and is a first generation American. Somehow the Magic Dirt of the USA has not made this USA born person an American Lover of Liberty and protector of the Bill of Rights.

Clearly merely being born in the USA, or Europe, or other Western country does not automatically convey Western values and culture to an individual, anymore than a child born to US parents in Kuwait automatically makes that child a misogynistic hater of the West and Sharia loving radical.

All indications are it takes several generations for the progeny of immigrants to fully adopt local culture, and if they remain in segregated colonies of similar heritage may never adopt local culture. It is not uncommon for people to have more loyalty to their ancestral home than where they were born. Growing up in Tarpon Springs, more than a few of my classmates who parents and grandparents were born in the USA, have more pride in being Greek, fly the Greek flag, and have has much or more allegiance to Greece than the USA. They live together, maintain Greek traditions, go to the Greek Orthodox Church, maintain the Greek language, and maintain Greek culture, separate and distinct from American culture.

The Magic dirt in Tarpon Springs Florida USA has not been powerful enough for generations to change the Greek immigrants and their descendents culture to that of America. Greece being the foundation of Democracy, Greek culture is more compatible with American culture, but it remains distinct from American culture, and remains distinctly Greek despite generations of living on the Magic Dirt of America.

Bringing in large numbers of Greeks whose distinct culture can and does mesh with American culture without much conflict is an example of how immigration of different but similar cultures can happen peacefully. Bringing in large numbers of Muslim Arabs, whose culture cannot tolerate Western values, and have sworn to destroy the West, results in violent repercussions. There is no Magic Dirt that, even after generations, will convert Muslims to value and accept Western Culture. They cannot and will not accept the First Amendment much less the fourteenth.

Look up Ahmad Musa Jubril's youtube videos, he is a prime example why accepting massive numbers of people from culture's so dissimilar to ours will result in violence, terrorism, and conflict for generations. Muslims can't even live amongst themselves without warring, and in 1400 years have repeatedly used migrations and forced conversion or submission of infidels as a means of conquest. Allowing large numbers of them into the USA won't result in them accepting Western culture. One needs only to look at Dearborn, Michigan, where the police arrest Christians for merely being at local festivals.

Libertarianism and limited government only work for a culture and group of people who share libertarian values. Allowing large numbers of people who don't share those values to immigrate will destroy liberty. Reality trumps the way we "feel" things should be. If you want the riots and violence now common in Europe, open our borders.

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