Our rights do not originate with government, but they are to be "secured" by government.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Why are So Many Libertarians Pro-Murder?

By Tom Rhodes, 7/30/2015

My dictionary defines murder as: killing another person deliberately and not in self-defense or with any other extenuating circumstance. That means by definition to purposefully and with forethought, to kill a human being who has committed no act of aggression against another, is murder.

The idea that if a human being is less developed than other human she may be killed just because her mere existence is unwanted by her mother is quite simply an abominable immoral murder. Whether it’s legal or called “abortion” is irrelevant, it is murder. If you support the right of women to murder innocent people who have instigated no act of aggression against anybody, yet condemn men who murder innocent marines working in recruiting stations, you are a hypocrite and of low moral character.

Planned Parenthood just got caught selling body parts from innocent murdered babies. “The grisly business of the abortion monolith and its blithe nonchalance in the face of the gruesome reality have been Planned Parenthood’s stock-and-trade since the time of its notorious founder, Margaret Sanger.”

I have read and paraphrased some valid questions from a lot of different sources that the pro-innocent-baby-murder crowd don’t want to answer:

  • If the unborn babies are not human, then why is there a market for their body parts for human scientific research?
  • If the “POC” (Product of Conception) is just a “blob of tissue” why would anyone want the heart or lungs?
  • Other than age (stage of development), why is a mere “blob of tissue” with human DNA, human heart, and human lungs, not a human?
  • If you it’s OK to sell human parts of the very young people for profit, why not sell older more developed body parts like maybe your working spare kidney?
  • Who’s to say an assisted-care facility shouldn’t sell parts from deceased patients for profit?
  • Who’s to say an assisted-care facility shouldn’t accelerate their patients death to facilitate organ harvest for profit?
  • How is murdering the poor and homeless to harvest their organs any more egregious?

    Another lexicon for consideration; the word fetus has Latin roots, it comes from the word foedus, which means unborn baby. A fetus by definition is simply an unborn baby, if that fetus has human DNA it is a human baby at an early stage of life. It is not dead, it is not something other than human, it is as the Latin root word definitions clearly states, a baby. Calling the baby a fetus in an attempt to dehumanize the baby that a mother murders, doesn’t change the cold hard facts, abortion is murder of an person who has committed no crime nor any act of aggression against anybody. Being legal doesn’t make it any less murder.

    “Abortion is a crime that kills not only the child but the consciences of all involved.” ~ Mother Teresa

    It is not scientifically arguable that abortion is not killing a human. The only argument is at what stage of human development do we grant that human the right to life. If society can arbitrarily choose to make the right to life based on age (stage of development), then the right to life is not a right, but a privilege. A privilege granted only to those whom others have deemed worthy of existence. If life is a mere privilege, how can anything else be a right?

    How can a rational person take the official Libertarian position seriously? The official Libertarian position on murdering a member of your baby is “Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.” Using that logic it should be up to each person to decide if murdering some family member who is inconvenient or unwanted and the government should not create any laws against it, leaving it up to the family embers conscientious consideration. Using that logic the LP Platform supports Honor Killing of family members.

    Why doesn’t the LP Platform read: “Recognizing that Avunculicide, Familicide, Feticide (or foeticide), Filicide, Fratricide, Geronticide, Honour killing, Infanticide, Mariticide, Matricide, Neonaticide, Nepoticide, Parricide, Patricide, Prolicide, Senicide, Sororicide, and Uxoricide, are sensitive issues and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.”???

    The reason is clear, the first and primary right every person has, that was the foundation and reason we created our government and the fundamentally the root of everything we think of as a right is the right to life. Abortion is the idea that a mother knows better than her unborn baby whether that baby is worthy of existing. That her superior knowledge of how that baby existing will affect her life and the probably quality of that baby’s life is enough to determine if that baby has the right to life. Once you accept abortion, you accept the idea that those with power and authority have the right to determine if those without power and authority can even exist. If you accept that a person with power and authority can murder those under her authority without recourse, how can you logically accept any limits on that power and authority. Clearly not a libertarian idea. Why do so many libertarians accept the idea that those with legal power and authority have the right to control other’s lives, even if that other is allowed to live that life?
  • Tuesday, July 14, 2015

    US Military Surrenders in LBGT Culture War

    By Tom Rhodes, 7/14/2015

    Monday the Pentagon announced defeat and total surrender in the LBGT culture war. It will allow transgender members of the military to serve openly starting next year. At first I was thinking WTF. When Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter said he had directed the armed forces to devise new rules over the next six months that would allow transgender troops to serve, I thought OMG the entire military has gone batshit crazy.

    Then it became clear to me, what a sneaky way to fix the problem on not enough women in the Seals, Marines, Army Rangers, etc. All they have to do to fix that problem is get enough manly men to claim to be women. If Bruce Jenner can be Katlin and we must now refer to him as a woman then so can any Navy Seal. Presto-change-o the not enough women in certain parts of the military is fixed. You can have a big strapping woman who can carry a 80 pound ruck with a log on her shoulder after 20 hours of hard labor during Hell Week, just as effectively as any man. Just because “Samantha” (formerly Sam Smith) has balls, a schlong, and no tits, being 6’2” tall, weighing 200 pounds, and bench pressing 300 pounds, and is just a girl who thinks a 10K run is a warm up, that doesn’t make her any less a woman.

    Absolutely brilliant on the part of Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter. If we must accept men who claim to be women as women, then the physical requirements of certain military units do not have to be compromised to accommodate anybody, just let some men claim to be women, hell just classify 40% the current men in the seals as women, they don’t even have to know about it and the problem is solved. Sargent Alvin York now has the box next to Female under Sex: checked, and he’s labeled like the old joke goes, “A Lesbian Woman Trapped in a Man’s Body.” If the actual biology of a person doesn’t define their sex, rather how they, (or the powers that be) “feel” about their sex determines their legal sex, then the problem of enough women passing PT can be made to disappear with paperwork instead of lowering standards.

    It looks like not all of the unintended consequences to the freakshow that is the current LBGT culture war will not be bad for the military. Those military types are sneaky bastards.

    Friday, July 10, 2015

    Playing the Trump Card is Entertaining

    by Tom Rhodes, 7/10/2015

    The silly season of presidential politics is heating up. For political junkies this is entertainment like we haven’t seen in decades. The early leader in GOP polls almost never wins the GOP nomination. Trump right now is destroying the GOP competition, and he’s a definite RINO. The reason he’s ahead is he listened to the people on a very important issue. The ruling oligarchy of Republicans and Democrats, doesn’t want to touch immigration and definitely doesn’t want to do what 2/3rds of America wants; close the border. This may be the single most important issue to the American people that the oligarchs don’t want us to talk about much less do anything about. The establishment ruling elite claim Americans want a path to citizenship for criminal foreign nationals, but the polls say otherwise.

    Americans know there are record numbers of people without jobs, they know more criminal foreign nationals in the country depresses labor markets keeping their wages down. They know supply and demand laws work, so if there are a lot more people available to do unskilled or low skilled labor then the wages for that labor will be lower, and will depress the entire labor market. They aren’t anti-immigrant, they are anti-illegal immigrants who cross our border through criminal means. They know that criminal foreign nationals, who don’t respect our immigration laws, probably won’t respect our other laws, much less our respect our traditions and culture. There are not jobs Americans won’t do, there are jobs Americans won’t do if they pay less than they can receive for sitting on their ass.

    Take home pay for a person working minimum wage is $975 per month after taxes. Because employers are now forced to purchase health insurance for everybody working full time, an employer can hire two people to work 29.9 hours per week cheaper than he can hire one person to work 40 hours per week. Because 59.8 hours of unskilled labor working part time is cheaper than 40 hours of unskilled labor full time, there are no minimum wage job is more than 29.9 hours per week. The reality is a business saves even more because payroll is simpler, accounting is simpler, no insurance paperwork, so the need for a admin person to do all the paperwork is not needed. Some of the unintended consequences of Obamacare and US labor laws.

    This means that in reality if your are following the law, a minimum wage worker takes home $850 per month or less. Combine all the benefits available and welfare provides significantly more than $850/month. So American workers are not willing to take jobs that pay less than they receive for not working. Criminal foreign nationals are willing to live 10 people to a crappy 2 room apartment, work for cash under the table, and because they are criminals willing to work under conditions that are not legal. Why would a business pay more for unskilled labor, when even if caught the penalties are less than the amount they save from having to compete for legal labor.

    It’s actually worse than that. The fact is at $100 per day for a 10hr day for a day laborer, and you don’t hire the same day laborer more than 5 days, and there are no taxes, just a day labor expense. Give the guy a $100 bill at the end of the day and you’re done, don’t even need to file a 1099, huge amounts of admin paperwork avoided. If they change their name and give you a different SSN you can do that week after week. So an illegal day laborer can take home $2000 per month, the business owner not break any law and it’s cheaper than the business hiring a full time employee and working him 50 hours at minimum wage paying time-and-a-half for OT, the taxes, insurance, and all the other stuff the law requires.

    Trump knows this, he’s hired criminal foreign nationals in his past for just that reason. He knows the people are fed up with having to compete with criminals for jobs. The GOP won’t do anything because their donors benefit from cheap criminal labor and low penalties if caught. The Democrats won’t do anything because criminal foreign nationals in exchange for welfare will illegally vote, and vote Democrat, so that they can keep gaming the system. They are criminals, if ignoring immigrations laws is not an issue, so is ignoring voter laws and welfare laws, housing laws, and labor laws.

    Trump boldly, unapologetically, directly, and fearlessly, has stood up and said, “Here is where I stand, like it and vote for me, don’t like it don’t vote for me, but this is my stand and what I’ll do.” No political weasel words, but a solid position that just happens to be in agreement with 2/3’s the population. This scares the shit out of the Republicans and Democrats, who want some issues to be ignored so that they can continue to kick the can and not actually do something about the mass invasion of criminal foreign nationals. Americans are finding a man willing to stand on principle refreshing and more trustworthy. Even if they don’t agree with all his positions, many feel that a man with bold, honest, unapologetic, political positions, is worth voting for. I’m pretty sure the bad rug he wears on his head will cost him the election. Good hair wins the female vote, that’s the big reason McCain lost to Obama. Don’t believe me? Look at the hair/looks of presidents since TV got big. Hair and looks won every time.

    If Trump can stay on message, and force the others to address the invasion of criminal foreign nationals, and make the other candidates look like weasely political hacks and himself look like a principled man of action, he can win the GOP nomination. Because Trump speaks with a passion, lucidity and a frankness that none of the establishment politicians of the GOP dare articulate, on a subject they do not want there to be real public debate, the Republican mega-donors are scared he might get into the debates. To add to the fat-cats fears, Trump has the money to counter their money. Trump in the debates will be bad for established statist candidates and their sponsors. He will bring issues to the table they don’t want the public addressing, this will be bad for them.

    The Democrats are stupid and blind, they believe their own lies and think the public accept the politically correct position, and want to grant amnesty to criminal foreign nationals. So they are trying to group all Republicans as having Trump’s views. This will be a big mistake, as they will be forced to take a vocal stand on immigration. Because a huge part of the population treats immigration as a jobs issue, with record number of people without jobs, and a huge number blaming the lack of jobs on a glut of criminal foreign nationals willing to work for less than legal wages, the Democrat position is the wrong side of the voters’ position. Trump having Democrat positions on other topics, and a clear, firm, bold stance on immigration means he’ll get a large number of democrat votes other GOP members can’t and could win the election.

    Although I don’t like is statist positions on a huge number of issues, having a person who know what it takes to succeed and get things done, having learned from both his failures (bankruptcy) and success, now a Billionaire again, might not be bad. He’s clearly not the establishment candidate. It will be fun to watch how the establishment ruling elite destroy him. He will not be allowed to win any more than Ron Paul was allowed to win. The books will be cooked, the media bought off, and lies will be told. But the ruling elite are not going to let him get far.

    You got to like a guy, who tells Univision you’re in breach of our contract, you don’t honor our contract and don’t broadcast the Miss USA pageant as agreed, and I’ll sue you for $500Million. The contract doesn’t have a provision to exit if you don’t like what the other guy says. Support for the Rule of Law, a rarity in politics today. Trump is doubling down, not retracting his opinion, and holding Univision to the terms of their Contract. A positive principled position in support of the rule of law, something a libertarian can appreciate. I can’t vote for Trump based on his positions on healthcare, abortion, guns, and, his financial support for Democrats. But I am going to enjoy the chaos he will bring to the elections.

    Thursday, July 9, 2015

    USA Following the Path of Mexico and Greece

    By Tom Rhodes, 7/9/2015

    Fundamentally we should ask ourselves, why the people of oil and material rich Mexico, abandon their homeland, break international law, and migrate to the USA? We should also ask why the people of Greece voted to violate international law and renege on the debt they choose procure? Why did the USA prosper while other countries with equal resources stagnate or decay? The fundamental reason the USA prospered is the same fundamental reason it now wanes. The bedrock principle that was established and regarded as sacred, a principle that is becoming more and more meaningless in the USA, is “The Rule of Law.”

    Mexico is a naturally rich country; blessed with oil, precious minerals, fertile soils, long coastlines and warm weather. Hundreds of thousands of Mexican citizens vote with their feet, reject their homeland, break the law, and illegally come to the USA. The reason is because Mexico is a mess. The police expect bribes, property rights are only for the rich and well connected, and if you can’t afford to pay the kickbacks, the government doesn’t work. The sad fact is the people of Mexico leave their homeland and come to the USA, while the people of the USA don’t migrate to Mexico is because, in Mexico, the people cannot expect clean water, adequate public safety, reliable power, nor upward mobility. Those things don’t exist in Mexico because neither the government nor the culture have a respect nor expectation of the “Rule of Law.”

    Like Mexico, Greece has institutionalized corruption. There is a distinct lack of transparency and creeping neglect of existing laws. It doesn’t matter how many euros the EU loans Greece. If Greeks continue to dodge taxes, see corruption as a business model, the EU loans are throwing good money after bad. The Greeks are now in a position that they can never repay, ever! Privation for generations is the only way they can repay the EU. The Germans are demanding just that, repayment at the expense of the standard of living for an entire nation. The Germans expect generations of Greeks to work to repay their corrupt government’s borrowing. Money borrowed to redistribute to the Greeks and pad fat pensions. As long as the rule of law is not the rule of Greece it will continue to be a disaster. In a country where drivers routinely flout traffic laws and throw trash out the window is also a country that cooks its books and lies to its creditors. All laws seem negotiable in Athens in a way not true of other nations.

    The fact is that our nation is in decline, No nation can expect to thrive if its government refuses to enforce its own laws. When an entire city, can say, “Screw the law”, and declare that their city is a "sanctuary" where the Federal Law will be ignored, such as San Francisco’s defiance of immigration laws, then why can’t cities in Utah or Alabama declare that gay marriage laws were null and void. If San Francisco can defy immigration laws, why can’t Tampa defy import laws and declare its port to be duty free, inspection free, and allow any car to be imported? Imagine ignoring federal laws, and buying a car like the Chevy Beat that has a list price of $6634, gets over 60mpg, but not allowed in the US. Maybe ignoring federal laws is not such a bad idea.

    The idea that foreign nationals in the USA without proper visas, green cards, etc. are not criminals, and that the INS should only focus on known foreign nationals who are also known felons would be like telling the police to not stop people without license plates unless they are in an accident or speeding. Should the IRS be told not to look for tax cheats unless they have been previously convicted of being a tax cheat?

    Think about it, federal government employees owe more than $3 billion in federal back taxes, why should non-government employed tax payers be treated any differently. The fact is for the average person, getting away without paying taxes is no longer considered morally wrong. Getting caught as a tax cheat is considered stupid, but not wrong. Our culture used to denigrate those who broke the law.

    The rule of law is a system in which the following four universal principles are upheld:

    1) The government and its officials and agents as well as individuals and private entities are accountable under the law.

    2) The laws are clear, publicized, stable and just, are applied evenly, and protect fundamental rights, including the security of persons and property.

    3) The process by which the laws are enacted, administered and enforced is accessible, fair and efficient.

    4) Justice is delivered timely by competent, ethical, and independent representatives and neutrals who are of sufficient number, have adequate resources, and are acceptable to the communities they serve.

    Members of Congress feel no compulsion to obey the law. District of Columbia police issued 2,912 parking tickets to cars owned by members of Congress in 1998. None were paid. The financially strapped District, which actively pursues and "boots" cars belonging to ordinary citizens, does not go after members of Congress. You don’t actually have to be a member of congress, if your rich and can afford a lawyer, you can make traffic tickets, including most DUI’s disappear, no points, no record, nada. Just pay “court costs” and it goes away. Not rich enough to afford a lawyer, lose your license, maybe your job, pay just as much. It is so bad that even traffic laws are not applied equally.

    Can you honestly say that the “Rule of Law” is sacred in the USA. Do the actions of our government, or the treatment of Hillary, Sharpton, and criminal foreign nationals (AKA illegal aliens) reflect any respect for the Rule of Law. Does the supreme court saying that despite what Obamacare law clearly says, the government can change it and enforce it however it wants reflect a respect for the “Rule of Law?”

    The USA is going the way of Greece and Mexico. The people of the USA have realized that they don’t have to obey the law. There is no shame in breaking the law, only for being stupid enough to get caught and too poor to buy your way out. If immigration law doesn’t apply to people coming into the USA across our southern border; if email retention laws don’t apply to Hillary; if tax laws and penalties don’t apply to Sharpton; if former Citrus County Sherriff Dean doesn’t have to get a permit to build on his property; then why should building codes, zoning laws, tax laws, or even traffic statutes apply to U.S. citizens?

    Wednesday, July 1, 2015

    Libertarians, Useful Idiots for the Left

    By Tom Rhodes, 7/1/2015

    Interesting blog were Sultan Knish explains why it is useless to attempt reason with leftists, and how Libertarians have become the Lefts useful idiots.


    The left will destroy the things you care about, because you care about them. It will destroy them because that gives them power over you. It will destroy them because these things stand in the way of its power. It will destroy them because a good deal of its militant activists need things to destroy and if they can't attack you, they'll turn on the left in a frenzy of ideologically incestuous purges.


    You can't accommodate the left on social issues. You can't accommodate it on fiscal issues. You can't do it. Period.

    The left exists to destroy you. It does not seek to co-exist with you. Its existence would lose all meaning. Any common ground will be used to temporarily achieve a goal before the useful idiots are kicked to the curb and denounced as bigots who are holding back progress.

    The purpose of power is power. The left is not seeking to achieve a set of policy goals before kicking back and having a beer. The policy goals are means of destroying societies, nations and peoples before taking over. If you allow it a policy goal, it will ram that goal down your throat. It will implement it as abusively as it can possibly can before it moves on to the next battle.

    It's not about gay marriage. It's not about cakes. It's about power.

    More fundamentally it's about the difference in human nature between the people who want to be left alone and those who want power over others. ...

    Being a moderate, or compromising, with the left is a losing proposition. In the case of Gay Marriage the Libertarians have been the Left's useful idiots, just as liberals have been in the past. The historical evidence for their behavior and the consequences is compelling. Read the entire blog and you'll understand how the Libertarians we been used by the Left and have given them more tools to gain power and take liberty from us all.