Our rights do not originate with government, but they are to be "secured" by government.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Senator Dean's Farm Building

There is a big brouhaha about former Citrus County Sherriff and current District 3 State Senator Charles Dean and his barn/bungalow/house/whatever on the Withlacoochee River. The source of the conflict is how he built the structure in the last year and a half, which normally wouldn’t bother most local residents except that he has labeled it a ‘barn’…which has another structure attached to it that resembles a two-story house. It is a seemingly nice place when looked at from the picture found in the St. Pete Times, and Mr. Dean has avoided a great deal of financial payments, i.e. impact fees, permits, and inspections by labeling it a nonresidential agricultural structure.

The majority of comments are outraged at the thought that he is getting away with something that a normal local could not, preferential treatment for a politician that has been stereotypically seen by politicians across the country. However understandable this might be, the opinion is limiting and somewhat narrow-minded. Yes, the outrage at not getting the same treatment is logical, but thinking that the treatment he has received is “wrong”, is not logical. For starters, Mr. Dean did not use government money to pay for the structure; he paid for it using his own money, so my tax dollars did not go into making his said “nonresidential agricultural structure”. He has hurt no one or their property in doing so nor has he made anyone do something they did not wish to do. If he and his insurance company (if he has it insured) are happy with the construction then he should be left alone.

Our outrage should be at the Local and State government. Not for giving a politician special treatment, but for putting unjust burden on the general populace. We should be outraged at the limits, fees, and additional costs that we have allowed the nanny state to put on our freedom. Including doing what we want with our private property so long as it doesn’t infringe upon the rights of another.

No one among us has the grounds to sue Mr. Dean in front of a jury and claim his actions cost them anything. Not that his actions may have cost the government possible revenue but that his actions cost any individual in our county a single dime. If the building isn’t up to code and collapses or burns down or sinks into the ground then he and his insurance company should bear the cost of that, not the county or state. Since it is his private property and no individual has any real claim for grievance we should not only leave him alone, but call on our county leaders to leave him and us alone. We wouldn’t need the impact and permit fees, inspections, or other government “necessities”, if we didn’t have to pay for county engineers, inspectors, and other avenues of city government. Think of the county buildings, cars, trucks, salaries that could be eliminated if we actually believed that people had private property rights.

If somebody does something with their property that hurts another then the hurt party should be able to sue and receive just compensation for his or her loss. Do we need a nanny state telling us how to do everything in our lives, particularly on our own land? Look at the photo’s of Senator Dean’s building in question. It’s obviously well engineered and well built, because it’s his private property and he didn’t want junk. He could have and probably did inspect it during construction himself, or have somebody he trusts inspect it for him. The quality, durability, and construction are all between Mr. Dean and those he hired. This sounds like freedom and liberty. Why can’t we all have that?

Some of you will say that we have to have building codes etc., or people will be taken advantage of and not have good houses. That’s crap. If you have a house built by a contractor who carries a bond and insurance to cover your house if it fails due to construction techniques, materials, etc., it may cost you more to have the house built but not as much as it costs in government fees to inspect it. If you want it cheaper and are willing to take a chance then let someone build it without a bond. I’d let the men from just about any Amish community build my house, and trust it without the government’s approval.

Quality is not dependent upon government oversight. Now if you can’t afford the cash to pay for a house I’m sure the bank that you acquire a mortgage will require inspections, insurance, and whatnot to secure their investment. Again sound private property rights and inspections free from government interference.

This is a prime example of two things: too much government intrusion in private lives, and corruption in politics. Those two things are the cause and effect of “We the People” electing our “mothers” to take care of us instead of “fathers” to protect us. The cause of the corruption is excessive government. End the government intrusion and then there would be no outrage at the actions of Mr. Dean.

Go to the Citrus County Commission web site and view the video of the March 23 meeting. Though I don't think the commission was acting for libertarian motives, the fact that they are readdressing the grievances of the people, and protecting Mr. Dean’s private property rights at the same time is rather encouraging. The issue is one that they haven't seen before and that hasn't been an issue in our community. We should all be thankful that they are currently siding on the rights of the individual, even if the individual is a politician whose history and actions have sometimes been questionable.

Edited by Spencer Rhodes

Monday, March 30, 2009

America is becoming a Fascist state.

In a previous entry (If it Walks Like a Duck...) I referenced Patricia Lewis article noting the socialistic policies of the Obama administration. I know believe she was wrong and entirely too nice to the current administration.

Obama has called for and received the resignation of the CEO of General Motors, Corp. GM is a private corporation in the USA, with a board of directors and stock holders. It wasn't the owners of GM or it's board that called for the resignation of the CEO but the government. The government has demanded the restructuring of both Chrysler and GM with hard deadlines for their restructuring plan. They have announced that if those plans aren't acceptable that they will restructure those companies through bankruptcy court.

Here's how socialism is defined at Dictionary.com

Socialism: Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

I propose that the actions of the current administration actually border more to fascist ideas than socialist.

Obama is using executive fiat to try and dramatically change the landscape of the USA. Both the stimulus package and budget dramatically shift the economic controls of our country to government and mostly the executive branch. The call for reinstitution of the "Fairness Doctrine" and attacks on specific right wing journalists and entertainers is an attempt at censorship. The call for a domestic peace keeping force as well funded as the military is a less than obvious ploy to build a force to terrorize the people of the USA into compliance (the IRS and BATF do a pretty good job right now). His foreign policies and actions are blatantly nationalistic and racist, but not for the USA for the UN. He is a globalist who vehement supports the UN over the interests of all others and who's views and policies are demonstrably against people of European descent.

Hence it can rationally be concluded that Obama with the help of extreme leftists is leading the USA to a fascist state. From Dictionary.com:

Fascism: A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

The Obama administration has rejected the very basis for the Great American Experiment. Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. His administration is calling on the USA to be governed not by the consent of the people but by consensus of other nations. Former US representative to the UN, John Bolton, clearly discusses the dramatic change Obama has in mind in is March 2009 commentary The Coming War On Sovereignty. Where he points out that ""the nation’s governing elite is in the process of taking a sharp, indeed radical, turn away from the principles and practices of representative self-government that have been at the core of the American experiment since the nation’s founding. . . . It is one in which the group of nations, of which the United States is but a single player among many, initiates policies and activities that would likely be designed to constrain the freedom of action of the United States in pursuit of harmony—not only in its activities abroad, but also in its activities within the 50 states."

Click here for another example of government control seeking to correct a problem that doesn't exist.

Obama and the democrats now want to control the very food you are allowed to grow in your back yard. Arguably the USA has the safest food in the world, mostly controlled through free market. Now you won't be able to sell or even giveaway the oranges, grapefruit, peppers, or whatever that you grow from your backyard without copious amounts of government paperwork. It would virtually outlaw almost every Farmer's Market in the country. That's liberty for you.

Yes all this effects us right here in Citrus County. It's gotten so bad, that right here in little ol' Citrus County Florida, with a whopping 140,000 people and a unemployment rate larger than the most of Florida's, our State government has nothing better to do than enforcing rules against PotLuck dinners. Because the people of Homosassa Community Group dared to share a meal together without all of it being prepared in government approved and inspected kitchens. I haven't been reading in the news of a rash of sick people getting food poisoning from potluck's, have you?
So what can you do about it here in Citrus County Florida?

The Obvious, call, email, fax, write, your representatives in the county, state, and federal government. Ask your local Commisioner if he'll stand up to the State or Feds for the rights of Citrus County Residents. Ask Sherriff Dawsey if he plans on enforcing laws that are inhibit liberty. Insist that your reps don't ceed soveriegnty to any international body. Do nothing and your are approving of the USA becoming a Fascist state.

Here's an easy and safe bit of civil disobedience you can partake: Make sure you visit every Potluck dinner in your area you can, and be sure to invite a school board member, county commisioner, dog catcher etc. so that they to can participate in some civil disobedience.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Are You Happy With Your Citrus County Government?

Is the Government is Citrus County too big?
Is the Government is Citrus County too small?
Is it honest?
Does it work?
Does it help or hinder the individuals of this county?
What do you think?
What would you do to change it?

Discuss it here or show up for the next Libertarian Party of Citrus County meetingat 1pm on Sat. April 18th at Sporsters on US 19 in Crystal River

Free Speech – Only if you agree with the establishment.

Central Connecticut State University Prof. Paula Anderson reportedly assigned students in her communications class the task of presenting a discussion on a “relevant issue in the media.” Student John Walhberg and two other students suggested that the Virginia Tech massacre could have been mitigated or stopped altogether if students or professors had been armed. Shortly after professor, Paula Anderson, filed a complaint with the CCSU Police against her student. Wahlberg also touched on the controversial idea of free gun zones on college campuses. Wahlberg wound up being quizzed by police about firearms he owns and where they are kept. http://therecorderonline.net/2009/02/24/professor-called-police-after-student-presentation It’s pretty bad when simple discussing the second amendment will get you hauled in front of the police.

If it Walks Like a Duck

Patrice Lewis has an excellent article on the United States march to Socialism. http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=90946 “According to Dictionary.com, socialism is "Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy." She talks about many the Obama administration’s actions that are not only “extra constitutional” but classically socialistic. Socialists believe; in the use of force to gain their personal ends, the state owns the output of individuals, you have no right to self defense, etc. If it quacks like socialism, if it looks like socialism, if walks like socialism then it’s Socialism. This is an outstanding article that every liberty loving person should study.

Unintended Consequences

What was seemingly a good bill to keep lead out of cheap Chinese toys imported by Wal-Mart and the like has put tens of thousands of jobs at stake. Motorsports industry blasted by new fed rule http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=89516. Instead of keeping lead from the paint on your child’s or grandchild’s HotWheel, it’s being used to destroy an industry. Youth ATVs and dirtbikes can no longer be sold! A Consumer Product Safety Commission-related crisis regarding the huge consumer product law passed last August has had the unintended consequence of banning the sale of ATVs and dirtbikes for use by young people. Please go to the web page for Americans for Responsible Recreational Access http://www.arra-access.com/arra/home.html and take action. This may not personally concern you but if you don’t help when they come for your liberty who will be left to defend you. As an avid motorcyclist I’ve seen hundreds of families withchildren enjoying the outdoors on dirtbikes and ATVs, I’ve yet to see one kid knowing on a motorcycle. Seems a bit ridiculous doesn’t it. If it Walks Like a Duck….Patrice Lewis has an excellent article on the United States march to Socialism. http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=90946 “According to Dictionary.com, socialism is "Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy." She talks about many the Obama administration’s actions that are not only “extra constitutional” but classically socialistic. Socialists believe; in the use of force to gain their personal ends, the state owns the output of individuals, you have no right to self defense, etc. If it quacks like socialism, if it looks like socialism, if walks like socialism then it’s Socialism. This is an outstanding article that every liberty loving person should study.