Our rights do not originate with government, but they are to be "secured" by government.

Monday, March 30, 2009

America is becoming a Fascist state.

In a previous entry (If it Walks Like a Duck...) I referenced Patricia Lewis article noting the socialistic policies of the Obama administration. I know believe she was wrong and entirely too nice to the current administration.

Obama has called for and received the resignation of the CEO of General Motors, Corp. GM is a private corporation in the USA, with a board of directors and stock holders. It wasn't the owners of GM or it's board that called for the resignation of the CEO but the government. The government has demanded the restructuring of both Chrysler and GM with hard deadlines for their restructuring plan. They have announced that if those plans aren't acceptable that they will restructure those companies through bankruptcy court.

Here's how socialism is defined at Dictionary.com

Socialism: Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

I propose that the actions of the current administration actually border more to fascist ideas than socialist.

Obama is using executive fiat to try and dramatically change the landscape of the USA. Both the stimulus package and budget dramatically shift the economic controls of our country to government and mostly the executive branch. The call for reinstitution of the "Fairness Doctrine" and attacks on specific right wing journalists and entertainers is an attempt at censorship. The call for a domestic peace keeping force as well funded as the military is a less than obvious ploy to build a force to terrorize the people of the USA into compliance (the IRS and BATF do a pretty good job right now). His foreign policies and actions are blatantly nationalistic and racist, but not for the USA for the UN. He is a globalist who vehement supports the UN over the interests of all others and who's views and policies are demonstrably against people of European descent.

Hence it can rationally be concluded that Obama with the help of extreme leftists is leading the USA to a fascist state. From Dictionary.com:

Fascism: A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

The Obama administration has rejected the very basis for the Great American Experiment. Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. His administration is calling on the USA to be governed not by the consent of the people but by consensus of other nations. Former US representative to the UN, John Bolton, clearly discusses the dramatic change Obama has in mind in is March 2009 commentary The Coming War On Sovereignty. Where he points out that ""the nation’s governing elite is in the process of taking a sharp, indeed radical, turn away from the principles and practices of representative self-government that have been at the core of the American experiment since the nation’s founding. . . . It is one in which the group of nations, of which the United States is but a single player among many, initiates policies and activities that would likely be designed to constrain the freedom of action of the United States in pursuit of harmony—not only in its activities abroad, but also in its activities within the 50 states."

Click here for another example of government control seeking to correct a problem that doesn't exist.

Obama and the democrats now want to control the very food you are allowed to grow in your back yard. Arguably the USA has the safest food in the world, mostly controlled through free market. Now you won't be able to sell or even giveaway the oranges, grapefruit, peppers, or whatever that you grow from your backyard without copious amounts of government paperwork. It would virtually outlaw almost every Farmer's Market in the country. That's liberty for you.

Yes all this effects us right here in Citrus County. It's gotten so bad, that right here in little ol' Citrus County Florida, with a whopping 140,000 people and a unemployment rate larger than the most of Florida's, our State government has nothing better to do than enforcing rules against PotLuck dinners. Because the people of Homosassa Community Group dared to share a meal together without all of it being prepared in government approved and inspected kitchens. I haven't been reading in the news of a rash of sick people getting food poisoning from potluck's, have you?
So what can you do about it here in Citrus County Florida?

The Obvious, call, email, fax, write, your representatives in the county, state, and federal government. Ask your local Commisioner if he'll stand up to the State or Feds for the rights of Citrus County Residents. Ask Sherriff Dawsey if he plans on enforcing laws that are inhibit liberty. Insist that your reps don't ceed soveriegnty to any international body. Do nothing and your are approving of the USA becoming a Fascist state.

Here's an easy and safe bit of civil disobedience you can partake: Make sure you visit every Potluck dinner in your area you can, and be sure to invite a school board member, county commisioner, dog catcher etc. so that they to can participate in some civil disobedience.

1 comment:

  1. Correction - the county had nothing to do with shutting down Potluck Dinners at civic associations in Citrus County. It is the State Health Department enforcing that statute. It may simply be a misinterprtation of the law. see http://citrus.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=739 video of the March 23rd meeting (around minute 50 to minute 59.
