Our rights do not originate with government, but they are to be "secured" by government.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Stupid Stuff the Legislature is Doing

I can’t believe it, consider the mess we’re in, the economy is in the tank and like FDR’s New Deal, the obscene spending by Obama is driving us into depression. Jobs are still going away, and my paycheck is worth a lot less. If I were getting paid in gold not dollars I receive 33% less than I did before I ever head of Obama. So what are our legislatures doing? They are wasting time, and costing us all money, creating regulations to control the volume of TV commercials. The House bill is H.R.1084 and the Senate bill is S.2847. The stupidity and arrogance of the people in Washington is beyond ludicrous.

Rep. Rick Boucher, D-Va., said "It's an annoying experience, and something really should be done about it." Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Calif., created the bill when she heard that the FCC had been getting complaints about commercial volumes being louder than program volumes for year. Don’t think that this is just more of the Democrats trying to regulate everything we do, the Republicans are just as guilty. Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., when asked a reasonable question on why Congress is involved said, "You can say, 'Well, that's fine. Just turn it off, but it's constantly an irritant when you have to do it. And we've got all the new bowl games coming up."

Now Congress can and is regulating anything that’s “annoying” or irritating. It’s annoying that I have to wait in line at the grocery store because there are only 3 checkout clerks when the store has registers for up to 10, it’s irritating that I can hear children playing in a nearby park at 8am on Saturdays when I’m trying to sleep in, it’s really annoying having to watch and listen to airplanes flying over the beach towing signs advertising drink specials at Joe’s Bar and Grill. You don’t have a right to not be annoyed, my desire to not wait in line doesn’t create a reason for the federal government to force a private business to hire more clerks, nor to make kids soccer games start after 10am on weekends, nor does my desire to have a serine day at the beach uninterrupted by advertising allow the federal government to limit others to expressing their views in that public place (even commercial views).

If you don’t want commercials louder than the rest of the TV show, then use PPV for your games, use the internet for your TV, etc. If you want free convenient, inexpensive TV entertainment, you have to put up with commercials, they pay for it not you, so the guy paying the bills should be able to determine how the commercial he wants his commercial displayed and heard. Your non-right not to be “annoyed” does not supersede his real first amendment right of freedom of speech. In as much as watching TV is truly a voluntary thing, and nobody is forced to watch commercial TV, and you are free to choose PBS or other non-commercial TV venue, or any of the for pay TV channels via cable or satellite, what possible justification can there be for congress passing a law abridging the freedom of speech, and it is abridging the freedom of speech of the advertiser.

This is another example of Too Much Government and very stupid legislation and clear disregard for constitutional limits to the federal government. It is obscene for or federal government to be doing stupid stuff like this.

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