Our rights do not originate with government, but they are to be "secured" by government.

Monday, November 9, 2009

PC is Killing us

Political correctness and a failure to accept the fact that not ideologies are equal will destroy this country. Some cultures and beliefs are better than others. Socialist ideology is a prime example; whether Marxist, Maoist, Fascist, Communist, or pure Socialism. The Fact is that last century the world witnessed the deaths of well over 100 million people because of these ideas put into practice. From starvation to genocide, millions of people died implementing socialist ideas. It is a failed idea and model for society. Even in the US, implementation of socialist ideas has failed miserably. Johnson’s Great Society, rather than helping the poor out of poverty, has kept them in poverty and made things worse. It’s drained the economy of trillions of dollars resulting in the poor being worse off than before the program was started. Like it or not religion drives our social systems, be it Secular Humanism (aka Darwinism), Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Paganism, Judaism, or Christianity. From all these religions the ideas from the Christian ethos, seem to be the best overall system for people to live and thrive. From this ethos we get ideas like: separation of church and state, all people are equal, the rule of law, freedom of choice, just punishment, individual responsibility, private property rights, and even our work ethic. Those ideas don’t come from other religious ethos. Modern western culture based on a Christian ethos, stressing individual liberty and individual responsibility, and individuals giving charitably as they see fit, has produced the highest overall standard of living, security, and freedom for the individuals in that system. From religions like Hinduism we end up with a cast system where the poor are poor, they stay poor and can’t do anything about it. From the secular humanists we get socialism which resulted in more deaths in the last century than all the wars in all of history, and except for the ruling elite everybody is poor. From Islam we get oppression of women, and non-believers, acceptance of slavery, unjust punishment, and constant war. Islam leaves only three choices; convert and become a Muslim, become subservient or slave to Muslims, or be killed for you infidelity. The results of the relatively recent liberal notion of accepting all ideas, faiths, etc. as equal, called political correctness, were evident over the weekend. Major Hasan followed his religion over modern western education, his psychiatric training, his military discipline — his entire American identity. In the name of his Allah he murdered 13 soldiers at Ft. Hood. Faleh Hassan Almaleki of Glendale, Ariz., was arrested last week after fatally running over his “too Westernized” daughter Noor in an American honor killing. Then we can include the two U.S. residents, one American, one Canadian, who were arrested a few days earlier for plotting to fly to Denmark for the purposes of murdering the editor who commissioned the famous Mohammed cartoons. Not all Muslims conspire to kill cartoonists or murder their daughters or shoot dozens of their fellow soldiers, enough do to make it clear that Islamic culture is not equal to modern western culture. It produces suicide bombers, oppresses women and non-believers, and is the basis for most of the current violent conflicts on the planet. The problem is Islam. We have let political correctness run amuck. The murder and injury to our soldiers at Fort Hood is symbolic: A Muslim who said wild things, was not taken seriously, but was advanced and allowed to continue in our armed services, all because to question his beliefs would not be politically correct. This is diversity run amok. Until we are willing to address the fact that not all cultures are equal, that yes some cultures and ideas are superior to others, and continue to accept and not denounce ideas which lead to death and destruction, we will have more Islamic murders, more starvation and suffering, and less freedom and liberty. Obviously we cannot and should not stop people from believing what they want. But we cannot let political correctness stop us from talking about and exposing the evils that other systems of beliefs create. Immigrates from the past were expected to learn the language, and adopt the ideas of this country, that all people are created equal and have unalienable rights. The results were the greatest nation this world has ever known. After the Korean War and Vietnam, the idea of American Exceptionalism seems to have waned. For some reason we’ve began to accept the fact that immigrates do not need to become American and part of our society, but we actually encourage them not to become American and remain separate. This is counterproductive to both immigrates and our society. The price of liberty is vigilance and blood. We will have more Ft. Hoods, in some ways there is nothing we can do about it short of sacrificing the very freedom and liberty that made this country; the very freedom and liberty that is why Islamists want to destroy this country. As long as others are willing to die to end liberty and freedom, we must accept the fact that Liberty is not something that can be had, acquired or kept without blood. We cannot be vigilant nor protect ourselves, if we maintain this PC attitude that all cultures and beliefs have equal value. They don’t. Traditional American culture is superior to others, that’s why people from oppressed cultures around the world flock to the USA. We see less of that now than in the past, because of PC ideas, allowing liberals and others to spread the false idea that all cultures are equal and to be valued equally. Be thankful that there are Americans who still believe that liberty, freedom and the American idea are valuable. Some think it is so valuable that they volunteer to defend it. They volunteer to fight and die to protect our liberty. This PC liberal notion of diversity, that all cultures are equally valuable is a spit in the face of every American service man and woman, who fights and dies to defend our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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