Our rights do not originate with government, but they are to be "secured" by government.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What Reform Could Look Like

Question: What country's health care system has the highest percentage of users who are happy with it, and consistently produces the greatest number of innovations and improvements?

Answer: The USA, 85% of us are happy with our Health care, and no other nation on earth produces as many new drugs, procedures, advances in medicine as the USA.

Question: What type of insurance has the largest choices in policies, providers, and benefits; Is required by virtually everybody, and offers the lowest price per dollar covered?

Answer: Automotive insurance; everybody who owns an automobile must have minimum auto insurance, but the type of coverage, what's covered, deductibles, and prices are all governed by the free market.

Question: What organization when it runs something traditionally add layers of bureaucracy, inefficiency, and ends up providing less service for more money?

Answer: The US Government. Education is a great example as it can be clearly shown that the more the federal government has gotten into education the higher the cost and lower the quality. Can anybody argue that students are better educated in public schools today than 50 years ago?

Question: What model has been shown to decrease health care costs, increase availability, and offer more choice?

Answer: Free Enterprise, In the USA if we look at elective procedures which are not normally covered under typical insurance we find that prices keep coming down. Facelifts, Breast Enhancements, hair grafts, Lasik, and the like have all gotten easier to get, less expensive, and more choice in who, when, where, and how the procedures are performed.

We have two proven models in the US that lower costs and improve service. Auto insurance and elective medical procedures. If we applied these to all of health care we'd probably see the same kind of results.

Terry Paulson discussed it in his TownHall article Health Care Reform that Puts You In Control

Imagine a system where doctors and hospitals have to compete on price, reputation, and quality for your business, and insurance companies have to compete based on price, reputation and quality for your business. Rather than them telling you what you can/can't have you will be able to establish what you need and can afford. Imagine a system where the government doesn't control your choices, benefits, costs.

Sounds like real reform to me.

1 comment:

  1. ...But...that would like.....make sense. We can't have that now, can we? It would send the Federal Government into anaphylaxis. There isn't much of anything the Fed is more alergic to than things which actually make good sense...and save cents.
