Tom Rhodes 1/8/2019
To control their herds of animals farmers control the quantity and temperament of the sex of the animals they raise.
Chicken farmers sex chicks and keep only a few roosters for hundreds of hens, they don't want to waste time and energy controlling unruly roosters that don't lay eggs. Roosters fight all the time, having only a few (or 1) is more controllable.
How many ungelded boars does a pig farmer keep compared to fertile sows?
How many bulls compared to gelded steers, and fertile cows does a cattle rancher keep? Why do farmers disarm (cut the horns off) their herd? On a dairy farm what's the male/female cow ratio? On a meat ranch what's the bull to cow and steer ratio?
Basic animal husbandry and observation is that the male of the species are unruly and harder to control than the female or gelded males. If you are raising sheep or cattle, you want to be the one who is in charge of the herd – so you castrate most of the males.
The rise is single mother lead households seems more like design than unintended consequence. By incentivizing the destruction of the nuclear family, it promotes women's natural urge to seek security for herself and her kids, and thus promotes for government to provide for them, because there isn't a male there to do so, nor a model of a strong man to do so to be observed.
Look at how the ruling elite choose to live, the vast overwhelming majority of the successful who are and become the elite, are a traditional man and woman married couple with kids, and their lives follow traditional family values. Yet they call for the masses to accept the gelding of men through shame, drugs, financial incentives, etc.
Men in media are generally treated like either brutes, or idiots, again to discourage the idea that a man heading the home is good. Current welfare rules, reward single mothers, and punish them if there is both a man and woman in the house.
The whole idea that there are more than 2 genders, is just part of a larger plan to geld the men of the west. The rise in "T" of LBGT politics, and the labeling of masculinity as toxic, and the labeling and drugging of boys who are "A D D" etc. is all part of the ruling elite wanting to control the masses. If you emasculate men, shame them for acting like men, in essence eliminate or geld them, the masses are easier to control.
If your goal is to have a compliant society of dependent serfs, you need to geld ("detoxify") the males or make them irrelevant. A father in each family protects his own and works hard so his offspring can thrive. A society made of strong families, led by armed men, can thwart the designs of would-be rulers.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
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