Our rights do not originate with government, but they are to be "secured" by government.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

We Live in a Neo-Fuedal Society

By Tom Rhodes, 1/23/2019

We Live in a Neo-Fuedal Society, where the ruling class is urban elites. Urban elites somehow believe that the fact that they are rich, live in a big city, that they know best how others should live. They refer to people not in the big cities and rubes, hillbillies, deplorables, etc., and rather than listen to what the people say are the problems, and have to deal with them voting, the new elite class in DC/NY/Paris/Berlin/Brussels/other big city, want to dictate to the masses how they must live, and what they are allowed to learn/own/do.

The idea that Brits would vote to leave the EU, or that the USA would elect Trump, or the people would revolt in Paris over their taxes, all indicate to them that the problem is that the masses don't recognize their "clearly superior understanding of what's best." Because not recognizing the elites superiority is unfathomable, they conclude that the masses are too dumb, ignorant, religious, uneducated, or whatever, to be allowed decisions in how they are governed.

Neo-feudalists are easy to identify, by their smug certainty that they know better what ought to be done with and for you than you yourself do. And they are accountable to nobody, and are guided by nothing except their doctrinaire beliefs in what might charitably be called academic Marxism, and might more aptly be called simple totalitarianism. They are globalists, and don't believe local people at the city, state, or even national level should be allowed to govern themselves.

Angela Merkel being a prime example, saying that sovereign nation states must not listen to the will of their citizens when it comes to questions of immigration, borders, or even sovereignty. The her, and elitists everywhere, shock and dismay, the people booted her, and suddenly the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party was a significant force. Her citizens chose the “wrong” answer, and the elitist international press was quick to scold the masses. The neo-feudal state at work.

The ruling class is openly attacking freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and especially the USA's right to keep and bear arms, because those liberties severely restrict neo-feudal ability it impose there will on the masses.

The neo-feudal state, is globalist. Rather than the unified body politic of the liberal republic, the neo-feudal state slices and dices its residents into discrete subsets, each with its own unique rights and responsibilities. Solid economic and social divisions were a key part of feudal society, and they also play a role in present-day neo-feudalism.

Neo-feudalism is the contemporary rebirth of policies of governance, economy, and public life reminiscent of those present in many feudal societies, such as unequal rights and different legal protections for common people then for nobility. It is clear to see, Hillary can and has gotten away with breaking the law concerning handling of state secrets. Comey, then head of the FBI, noted that she broke the law but would not be arrested, but woe to any not of the ruling elite, you would be jailed if you did the same thing. They are open about the fact that the laws apply to you not them. In 2013 demographer Joel Kotkin defined the neo-feudal classes as: the oligarchs (the super-wealthy, especially in tech and finance), the clerisy (government regulators, the media elite, and the academy), the yeomanry (the middle class and small-business owners), and the serfs (the working poor and government dependents).

Elites made a degree the passport to success, then raised college prices to keep out the riffraff. The reason is power, it appears planned. Now only the rich elite can afford to go, and if you go and are not part of the elite, you will have crushing debt for the rest of your life, so you can be more easily controlled. Neo-Fuedalism at work. I don't buy into a big conspiracy, the reality is neo-feudalism as reality but clearly there is no single cabal working to impose a new feudal regime. Neo-feudalism is a result of the confluence of a number of forces: technological advances, a large welfare state, financialization, offshoring, and an influx of illegal laborers. Much of what drives neo-feudalism is unintentional, but the new-elite are taking advantage of it.

Today's ruling elite, want neo-feudalism as the way of the future but call it "democratic socialism." Where the ruling elite dictate who gets what, and controls everything. They seek to control bureaucracies and NGO's without having to go through the mess of winning elections. They have privatized governance to multi-national companies like Capital-one, Alphabet, FB, Twitter, etc, as the means to control the people by limiting speech and ideas that reduce their ability to govern. Banks now dictate how you can spend your money, restricting you from using your debit or credit cards for arms. The elite through banks want the ability to dictate who can't and cannot use banking services and what people who use debit or credit cards are allowed to purchase. No laws, just get your fellow elites on wall street stop them.

You don't get to vote for how the bank is run, you must use a bank, as your employer pays you with a check or direct deposit, the laws won't let you have meaningful amounts of cash, and you it's almost impossible to trading in any exchange medium not controlled by the banks. The ruling elite don't want you to have the ability to purchase anything without them knowing (and controlling) what you spend your money on. They are going after Bitcoin and other ways people can do business outside the control of our neo-feudal masters. We live by the golden rule, "those who control the gold control the rules."

The only solution, is unfortunately the same one our founding fathers had to take to end feudalism in 1776. There will be war.

Post Script: One way to beat the banking elite and revenuer: Buy old "junk silver coins" and use them as legal tender as a purchase, but trade on their value. Take 50 silver dollars (minted before 1965, with 90% silver content), and offer them to you local gun shop, for a new Springfield 1911 pistol (list price over $800 but sells for less). Legal tender valued at $50 but worth over $700 for it's silver content. Depending on model of pistol a fair trade. As legal tender the licensed gun dealer could agree to the sale, and take a loss on his taxes, only collect sales tax on $50, then take $50 of petty cash from the till and go buy pizza's for his employees weekly pizza party. Nothing illegal about paying for the pizza with paper bank notes or his personal "debit card" instead of the exact currency taken from petty cash (the $50 in silver coins in his pocket). All nice and legal.

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