Our rights do not originate with government, but they are to be "secured" by government.

Monday, December 11, 2017

The MSM hides Junk Science.

by Tom Rhodes, 12/11/2017

Remember last years "scientists discover micro-plastics are evil" article. Why didn't the retraction of the reseach in Science, make as big a splash in the news. The fact is the environmentalist scientists didn’t get the results they want so just make shit up to promote the evils of man on the environment.

“Oona Lönnstedt and Peter Eklöv are guilty of misconduct in research, Eklöv in that he has violated the regulations on ethical approval for animal experimentation, and Lönnstedt in that she has violated the regulations on ethical approval for animal experimentation and because the experiments were not conducted as described in the article in the scholarly journal and are therefore fabricated,” Uppsala announced in their final report.

When looking at any scientific findings use the old addage Follow the money; if government pays for research and the results say government needs more control; or if an environmental group pays for research that says man should be restricted from using something; it should be treated like Exxon saying burning fossil fuels is good, or Monsanto researc saying RoundUp is safe, or GM saying the Corvair is a safe car.

Science is actually simple, and a clear indicator that you should doubt the results some scientist is claiming is: if the raw data and calculations are not shared, and the experiment hasn't been repeated, then it's Junk Science and not reliable.

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